NAME Test::DB ABSTRACT Temporary Databases for Testing SYNOPSIS package main; use Test::DB; my $tdb = Test::DB->new; DESCRIPTION This package provides a framework for setting up and tearing down temporary databases for testing purposes. This framework requires a user (optionally with password) which has the ability to create new databases and works by creating test-specific databases owned by the user specified using the naming convention of test_db_${time}_${proc}_{rand}. LIBRARIES This package uses type constraints from: Types::Standard METHODS This package implements the following methods: create create(Str :$database, Str %options) : Maybe[InstanceOf["Test::DB::Object"]] The create method generates a database based on the type specified and returns a Test::DB::Object with an active connection, dbh and dsn. If the database specified doesn't have a corresponding database drive this method will returned the undefined value. The type of database can be omitted if the TESTDB_DATABASE environment variable is set, if not the type of database must be either sqlite, mysql, or postgres. create example #1 # given: synopsis $tdb->create AUTHOR Al Newkirk, LICENSE Copyright (C) 2011-2019, Al Newkirk, et al. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the The Apache License, Version 2.0, as elucidated in the "license file" <>. PROJECT Wiki <> Project <> Initiatives <> Milestones <> Contributing <> Issues <>