Glibc Installation HOWTO

Kai Schlachter


Revision History
Revision 1.012004-03-19KC
Initial Release, reviewed by LDP

Table of Contents

1. Preface
1. Copyright
2. Revision History
3. Thanks
2. Introduction
1. Why?
2. What?
3. Preparations
1. Stuff you will need
1.1. Software you will need
1.2. Sources you will need
2. Special things you need to do
2.1. Things you will definitely need
2.2. Software that may come in handy
4. The installation of glibc itself
1. Obtaining and compiling the source
2. The installation
2.1. LILO
2.2. Grub
3. After the kernel is booted...
5. Troubleshooting—if something goes wrong...
1. Errors with configure or make while trying to compile glibc
2. Something goes wrong during make install
2.1. Going back to a working configuration